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  • World War II Servicemen's Correspondence Collection, 1941-1945

Letter from Owen F. Asberry, 1942

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Letter from Owen F. Asberry, 1942
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Asberry, Owen F.
Asberry describes a little of life on a transport ship ferrying soldiers to their assignments overseas, how the "four 'C's" are important because they represent cups, canteens, cards (designating shifts for eating), and "corks" meaning life preservers. Writing from what was then India, he reports that he got a letter from Sef Murillo.
Owen Asberry; Sef Murillo; Sef Torres; Jose Murillo; Jose Torres; Jose C. Torres; United States Army; Four Cs; Signal Team C; Army/Air Box number 886; APO 886
Pakistan - Karachi
© San Diego State University. All rights reserved
  • World War II Servicemen's Correspondence Collection, 1941-1945
8 inches X 9.5 inches; 2 pages
5 Oct 42

S[er]g[ean]t Owen F Asberry, 39162441
Signal Team C
APO 886 c/o [care of] Postmaster
New York, N.Y.

Dear Dr. Post

I just received another issue (#6) of your News Letter - - thanks. Got a letter from Sef Murillo, too. He got my address from the letter. You have my address right, but the rating is a little off. I guess you didn't get my other letter.

I would like to have a copy of the first three issues, if they are still available - - I have 4, 5 & 6.

Our very short rainy season is over and is it hot! Indian Summer really means summer, in this part of India, anyhow. I wonder how I missed finding out about the deserts in India when I was taking Geography at State? If I had known what was in store for me I might have been more attentive.

I see from your new letterhead that Montezuma is with us on the Warpath. One look at that grim face ought to put the fear of God into those Axis mugs. And apparently anywhere an axisman sticks his head out he apparently will meet a fighting Aztec, 'cause we are spreading fast.

Your P.S. asked for slogans. I cant[sic] think of a slogan right now, but do you know what the four "C"s are to a soldier on a transport? Everytime we went to chow we did so to the tune of the four "C"s. Cup - Corks - Canteens - and Cards. Cups to drink from, Corks (lifesavers) to hold you up if you fell in the drink, Canteens to furnish water while you waited to be picked up - - in case you were using your Cork, and Cards to get into the dining room. We fed in shifts, and cards designating different shifts were issued to all men.

A long voyage is quite an experience on a transport. We were lucky though. Not too crowded, and even had a swimming pool on the boat - - which was filled (mainly with G.I.s, who pushed the water out) from the time we hit the tropics until we were almost across. Thanks again for remembering me with your News letter, and I hope you get many more thanks to pay you for your effort (very successful, too) to help us keep in touch with home.

Yours for a quick Victory & a snappy discharge

Owen F. Asberry
  • San Diego State University Library and Information Access, Special Collections and University Archives
Lauren C. Post
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