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  • World War II Servicemen's Correspondence Collection, 1941-1945

Letter from Richard S. Ball, 1942

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Letter from Richard S. Ball, 1942
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Ball, Richard S.
Ball's short note on plain paper is written mostly to correct his name, rank and organization, but he takes the time to thank those who publish the newsletter and express his hope that it will continue to be supported.
Richard Ball; Army training regiments; Training camps; United States Army
California - Camp Roberts
© San Diego State University. All rights reserved
  • World War II Servicemen's Correspondence Collection, 1941-1945
5.75 inches X 9 inches
Hq 12th FA Tng Regt
Camp Roberts, Calif.
May 14, 1942

Dear Dr. Post-----

I received your News Letter today--and I sure think it's one swell idea. I have been wondering what had happened to a lot of the fellows out at State, and your roster idea furnished me with a lot of information that I have been wanting to get.

I would like to make a correction in both my name and my rank and my organization---which should read to be Private First Class R.S. Ball, Hq (Headquarters) 12th F. A. (Field Artillery) Tng Regt (Training Regiment). I was transferred from the clerk's training battery here at Camp Roberts and got a job here at Headquarters as a clerk in the Service Record Section. There are no fellows from San Diego State here in the office with me, but most of them are college men----from San Jose, California, U. C. L. A., Washington State, etc.

Here's hoping that your publication will continue--and that all the old gang in the Service will support it---as well as you who publish it. Thanks a million for putting me on the list.

Yours sincerely,
Richard S. Ball
  • San Diego State University Library and Information Access, Special Collections and University Archives
Lauren C. Post
15.58 MB
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