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  • Asa Sackman Diaries

Asa Sackman Diary Number 6, 1862

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Addison Griede
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Asa Sackman Diary Number 6, 1862
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Sackman, Asa
Diaries 4 and 5 are missing. This one starts on May 9 after Sackman's regiment came to Gauley Bridge. The 11th Ohio regiment joins them, and the 44th (Sackman's regiment) then has orders for the Expedition to Lewisburg and Jackson River Depot, leaving on May 11. They join the 47th Regiment along New River and march together with 50 wagons. Nearing Sewell Mountain (which he spells "Sauil"), they hear that the Union took Lewisburg. At Meadow Bluff Post Office they part ways with the 47th, which returns to Gauley Bridge with empty wagons to send back with provisions. Sackman briefly describes Lewisburg then records the earlier battle. Part of the 47th and the 2nd Virginia Cavalry are there. Sackman is ordered on a scouting expedition with the 36th Regiment and some cavalry, to Jackson River Depot ("Stacion," later Clifton Forge, Virginia). He details cavalry action, and provisions and equipment they captured after "rebels" left Covington. They return to Lewisburg on the 18th only to face problems with provisions, although the wagons from Gauley Bridge arrive. A bushwhacker who shot at a wounded Union soldier returning to camp is captured and removed to Gauley Bridge. On the 23rd the Battle of Lewisburg commences before breakfast, with the 44th under the command of Colonel Samuel A. Gilbert, and Sackman describes it and the aftermath. The "printing office" is seized and a newspaper called Yankee printed. On May 29 they return to Meadow Bluff (Deitz Farm) and build a camp, which is where the diary ends on May 31.
American Civil War; United States Army, Ohio Regiment, 44th, Company G; Ohio Volunteers, Civil War; American Civil War weather conditions; American Civil War soldier life; Dress parades; American Civil War drills; American Civil War casualties; Civil War food; Civil War camp inspections; American Civil War raiding; American Civil War civilian life; Expedition to Lewisburg and Jackson River Depot; United States Army, Ohio Regiment, 44th; United States Army, Ohio Regiment, 47th; United States Army, Ohio Regiment, 11th; Gauley Bridge; Meadow Bluff Post Office; Lewisburg, West Virginia; United States Army, Ohio Regiment, 36th; 2nd Virginia Volunteer Cavalry Regiment; Battle of Lewisburg; Covington, Virginia; Deitz Farm; Yankee (newspaper); Bushwhackers; Guerrilla warfare; Colonel Samuel A. Gilbert
© San Diego State University. All rights reserved.
  • Asa Sackman Diaries
40 pages
MS-0404-01; MS-0404-02; MS-0404-03; MS-0404-07; MS-0404-08; MS-0404-09
  • San Diego State University Library and Information Access, Special Collections and University Archives
760.44 MB
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