This collection was created by Leo Stezano as part of the internship requirement for an MSLIS degree at Syracuse University (IST-971). It focuses on alternative and underground newspapers connected to San Diego State University.VIEW THE COLLECTION >>>
The John and Jane Adams Postcard Collection
The postcards document over 100 years of history and communication. The collection includes over 4,000 postcards of San Diego County, and over 200,000 cards from all over the world.VIEW THE COLLECTION >>>
The SDSU Student Newspapers
The independent student newspapers from 1913 to nearly the present. Over 8,000 issues document the history of the University.VIEW THE COLLECTION >>>
San Diego State Yearbooks
From 1902 to the final edition in 1984, these colorful annuals highlight changes in both substance and style through the decades.VIEW THE COLLECTION >>>