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  • John and Jane Adams Postcard Collection

Postcard back, the palisades, Santa Monica, 1913

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Postcard back, the palisades, Santa Monica, 1913
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O. Newman Company, Los Angeles/San Francisco, California
Van Ornum Colorprint Company, Los Angeles, California
Nearly all the space on this divided back is taken up by publishing information, a railroad-promotion motto, a barely legible postmark, a special cancellation, an intact postage stamp, and a crowded message that carries over upside down at the top of the message panel, as well as a legible address, the latter two both handwritten in cursive with unevenly transferred blue ink.
Carrie Shannon; Special cancellations; Postage stamps; Postmarks; Logos
  • John and Jane Adams Postcard Collection
Souvenir Publishing Company, Los Angeles/San Francisco, California
3.5 inches X 5.5 inches
Dear Carrie,
Rcd your nice letter. Have been laid up with acute inflamatory[sic] in my right arm & shoulder since first part of July guess will be away firm office this Month too. Am improving & am taking hot salt Baths. Never suffered more pain "-Happy Days, Eh?" Alfy has quit the Domino & ranch gone to the P.O. likes it fine so far & seems Brighter- Says no more "East" for him. Ha. Weather grand fine summer resort I'll have to say that- With love
[upside down at top of message panel over printing]
Will write soon go I can use my hand better.

Miss Carrie Shannon
[postmark] Ocean Park Cal. Aug 5
5:30 P 1913
[postage stamp one cent green Washington Scott design A140]
[special cancellation looking like flag waving stars and stripes]
[logo of Vanornum looking like sunrise] [logo of O. Newman Company with initials in circle] ON Co
  • San Diego State University Library and Information Access, Special Collections and University Archives
20.16 MB