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  • John and Jane Adams Postcard Collection

Postcard back, Casa del Desierto, 1918

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Postcard back, Casa del Desierto, 1918
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[Detroit Publishing Company, Detroit, Michigan]
This divided back has a long printed message in the left panel, under the Fred Harvey logo. Under and beside it are a handwritten message in cursive, using blue ink that varies in color. The address is legible and the partly legible postmark is a stamp conveying the information that this card was mailed at a railway post-office car. The cancellation is a special "Railway Mail Service" (RMS) stamp. The postage stamp cost two cents, a reflection of the extra postage required during the first World War and soon to expire.
Railway Mail Service; Railway Post Office; Post office cars; Postage; Postage stamps; Special cancellations; Harvey Houses; Postmarks; Lena Topp; Casa del Desierto
  • John and Jane Adams Postcard Collection
Fred Harvey Trading Co., Kansas City, Missouri
3.5 inches X 5.5 inches
[printed at top of message panel under Fred Harvey logo] Casa del Desierto (House of the Desert) the new Santa Fe Hotel at Barstow, is built after the style of the Spanish renaissance, with walls of tapestry brick and gray stone trimmings, red tile roof and arcade balconies on both stories. It is thoroughly fire proof. Adjoining the hotel at the left is a Recreation Hall for employees.
Barstow is a junction of Santa Fe lines from Southern California and from San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley points. Altitude 2103 feet.

Dear Toppy-
War is over
Am in the middle of desert. to-morrow we make Los Angeles
wonderful trip will write after [?] All well hope you same. Lots of love from all.

Miss Luna Topp-
N. Perry ST-
New York.
[postmark] [?] & Los Ang[eles] R. P. O
1910 Nov 11
1918 [?]
[postage stamp is two-cent carmine Washington, Scott design A139]
  • San Diego State University Library and Information Access, Special Collections and University Archives
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