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  • John and Jane Adams Postcard Collection

Postcard back, Father Glauber

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Postcard back, Father Glauber, Mission Santa Barbara
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Written "in haste," this postcard was mailed on the train using the railway post office car first introduced in 1864. The Railway Mail Service (here represented in the postmark by "R.P.O." and the number of the train, 13), which sorted mail en route, operated until the last route was discontinued in 1977. In later years the Railway Mail Service had its own cancellation mark.
Divided backs; Postage Stamps; Railway Post Office; Railway Mail Service; Postmarks; Logos; Newman Post Card Company; Alice C. Young
  • John and Jane Adams Postcard Collection
Newman Post Card Company, Los Angeles, California
3.5 inches X 5.5 inches
We are on our way to L. A. now at Gaviota
In haste,
Aunt Jean.

Miss Alice C. Young,
R.F.D #2.
San Diego,

[postmark] San Fran. S.Jose & Los Ang. R.P.O. TR13 Jul 8 1910

[Newman Post Card Company Logo in double, filled circle with unfilled, entwined initials and] Co [with "o" within "C"]
Art Series No. 61

Founded 1786. Is one of the best known missions in Southern California: its structures are in very good condition to-day and are surrounded by beautiful gardens. Religious services are held there regularly as of old.

[postage stamp one cent green Franklin, Scott design A138]
  • San Diego State University Library and Information Access, Special Collections and University Archives
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